The submission process
rospective authors are advised to contact the Editors-in-chief prior to submission of a manuscript to ascertain its suitability for publication by SIMA. The Editors-in-chief will evaluate all incoming manuscripts. In the case of conference proceedings and festschrift volumes, it is expected that individual contributions will have been through a rigorous scholarly review process prior to submission. In some circumstances SIMA may require additional evaluation of the manuscript either by members of the Editorial Board or external reviewers. Manuscripts outside the aims and scope of the series, with scientific flaws or in poor English, will be rejected directly. Authors of manuscripts rejected at this stage will be informed as soon as possible. The Editors-in-chief are responsible for the final decision to accept or reject a manuscript and for the allocation of manuscripts to the SIMA M or SIMA PB series.
The subvention requirement
As a small publishing company producing highly specialised volumes, SIMA normally requires a modest subvention to offset the printing costs. The amount varies in accordance with the size of the volume and the number of pages to be printed in colour but is typically in the range of 2000 to 3000 Euros.

Review process for open access volumes
pen access volumes published by Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology (SIMA) will be rigorously peer-reviewed. Fair and equitable peer review is integral to ensuring that submitted manuscripts meet the highest standards of scholarship and quality of presentation. Manuscripts will be initially assessed by the Editors-in-Chief, who will determine whether the submission meets the basic guidelines (e.g., addresses a topic relevant to Mediterranean archaeology, uses an appropriate methodology, is well-written and presents important data in a comprehensible way). If a manuscript is found to meet the guidelines, the Editors-in-Chief will consult with members of the Editorial Board with relevant expertise in the subject matter of the manuscript to determine if the submission should go on to peer review. Submissions passing this level will be assigned to two external peer reviewers with expertise in the research area. The reviewers assess submissions in the form of a confidential advisory report based on scholarly quality, relevance, importance, engagement with the relevant literature and similar factors. Upon receipt of the peer review reports, the Editors-in-Chief will decide whether the manuscript will be rejected or accepted with or without required revisions. Accepted manuscripts then go through the same rigorous process of editorial development as volumes published under a customer sales model, to ensure that they conform to SIMA’s formatting guidelines and high standards of production.